System1 URL Parameters

On any System1 hosted campaigns, you can add tracking and reporting attributes to our serving behavior by passing in parameters.

Compliance parameters such as compkey and ref are required for Google monetization. All other parameters are optional. We support passing in any number of these valid parameters on each call to us.



Tracking parameters are optional, but you are encouraged to experiment to find effective combinations. You can a pass conversion tracking URL corresponding to each step of the System1 flow, impression(session), search, or click. Please ensure that tracking URL's are prefixed with https://. Sub IDs allow you to segment the traffic and monitor performance at a finer grain.

The URL you pass will be embedded on the keyword lander page as a tracking pixel. This would record sessions on your campaign.
The URL you pass will be embedded on the search page as a tracking pixel, firing each time users initiate a search that takes them the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). This feature is not supported on all embedded templates. Contact your account manager if you would like this feature enabled for your campaigns.
The URL you pass will be pinged when the user clicks on a paying ad on a SERP via an onclick handler.
You can use the sub_id field to distinguish and monitor performance on different flows.
We support sending in an additional Sub ID via the sub_id2 field. This field is reported back in your email reports, concatenated with the sub_id parameter and delimited by a colon. Please contact your account manager to discuss any use cases for this additional parameter.

Please note, we do not support Sub IDs at a session level of granularity.

For Sub ID tracking, our preferred Sub ID parameter convention is as follows:

Each alphanumeric code separated by an underscore represents a metric you want to track, such as: offer, publisher, feed ID's, etc. Feel free to reach out to your account manager for suggestions on how to utilize Sub ID reporting.
We accept upper and lowercase letters, digits, dashes, periods, tildes, and underscores. This is any character in the following set: [A-Za-z0-9.-~]. The full list of the 66 unreserved characters in RFC3986, is available here:

3rd Party Pixel Implementation

Documentation for supported ad network pixels is available here.

Compliance (Required)


Compkey is a compliance parameter used to assure that at least one of the keywords on our lander delivers on the promise or spirit of the ad you display. In some cases, you will be asked to pass a compkey based on the language used in your ads.

For instance, a user arrives to our lander after clicking on a link or ad with the text ‘Grocery Coupons in San Francisco’

You would append a query string called compkey on all links to our domains.

Your link would be: campaigndomain?compkey=Grocery+Coupons+San+Francisco

This would display the keyword "Grocery Coupons San Francisco" on our lander. Please reach out to your account manager if you have questions.

If you are sending traffic to a Google campaign, you must pass the correct HTTP referrer.

1. Tracking Domains:

If you use a click tracking solution (redirects) you should configure your click tracking solution to perform a 302 redirect from the click tracking site to the Google Keyword lander.

Specify the appropriate referrer policy on the origin page using Options “no-referrer-when-downgrade” or “unsafe-url” are preferred as they preserve the full referrer URL.

2. ref Parameter

In order to pass accurate referrer information to Google, you must also pass the encoded HTTP referrer URL into the “ref=” parameter in the URL call to the Google Keyword lander.

Example: The HTTP referrer is in this instance.


This parameter specifies whether the publisher has obtained consent from users from EU countries or in the State of California, as specified by GDPR or CCPA for processing of their personal data, including writing cookies and personalization tracking. Set to false, it means the publisher has not obtained consent per GDPR/CCPA requirements. Set to true, it means the publisher has obtained consent per GDPR/CCPA requirements. Note: This parameter only affects users originating in EU countries and California.



To have the site called as an impression tracking pixel on a hosted campaign,, you would append these following parameters to the call to our campaign domain:

Please note the use of HTML character codes, such as %3D for =, to pass the non-ASCII characters in the impression_track_url field. A full list of symbols is available here: